How To Plan A COVID Safe Road Trip In The UK?


Whilst the recent COVID lockdown throughout November has stopped us from taking road trips, the Christmas period might mean that we are allowed to travel further across the UK, so long as we stick to the COVID guidelines. Whether it’s for a weekend break at the Park Avenue Baker Street Hotel or to visit family during Christmas, we’re all having to think a little more carefully about the journeys we’re making this winter.

Whilst public transport will still be running throughout December, driving will always be a safer option for those who are worried about the cross-county spreading of coronavirus. With the oncoming tier system replacing the nationwide lockdown, the infection spike predictions for winter and the desire to be with family during the festive season, this communion of worries is still quite manageable on a day to day level when you know how to prepare. Below are just some of the best tips for winter travel post-lockdown.

Sanitise Your Car

Before you even get started on your journey, make sure that your car is clean and well sanitised. If it’s a rental car, then take extra precautions and wipe down the steering wheel, gear stick and radio dials. No one wants to risk catching COVID before they’ve even started on their journey!

Plan Your Stopovers

Whilst before the pandemic we could rock up to accommodation in Gloucester Road London and many of the city’s hotels without a reservation, planning your overnight stopovers is more important than ever. Many of the best hotels in the UK are working on a strict advanced booking only system, and so it’s vital that you think ahead. The good news is that many hotels offer flexible check-ins and cancellation policies so as to make up for the new COVID safety measures.

Know Your Route

Planning your route is also important due to the multi-tiered levels of counties and boroughs. Many areas may advise that non-residents should not stay in the area due to high infection rates. If you’re camping or hiking, know your routes and the risks you’re exposing yourself to.

Plan Alternatives

Plan B’s are now all but mandatory, especially if you’re travelling with a larger group. There’s another level of safety and responsibility when travelling with a larger group of six, if one of you has been exposed to COVID, then it’s wise that you postpone your trip till after the self-isolation period or till their COVID test has come back negative. An open mind, especially to the possibility of rescheduling your trip is important in the fast-changing post-COVID world.

Track and Trace Apps

If you’re planning a weekend away in London, you’ll find that many bars and venues that are open post-lockdown will require you to book in through the NHS track and trace app. Whilst there are other options for logging your visit, the NHS app and it’s quick to scan codes make visiting potential COVID transmission hotspots that little bit smoother and natural. In fact, many venues won’t allow entry unless you log your visit, so make sure that you or one of your party has a phone that can do so.

Know Your Tiers and What They Mean

From tier 1 to tier 3, you could book the best hotel for a staycation in your local areaand still find your holiday plans scuppered. Researching and gaining a full understanding of what the tier system means for your local area or that of the one you’re visiting will help you establish what you can and can’t do during your journey.